Preparation of Sabung Ayam Before Joining Battle Online

Preparation of Sabung Ayam Before Joining Battle Online
Roosters before being included in the competition must be given special preparation. Like humans, we must provide training and must provide some special ingredients to increase the chicken's power. When we give some of these herbs, chicken will definitely increase dramatically in terms of its performance. At present there are many suitable ingredients given to the chicken's body and can chicken energy quickly.

Therefore, please apply some strategies and some easy tips to improve chicken performance. By using several methods that are correct and do not give any side effects on the body of the chicken. So later you can give these methods at any time to the chicken's body. Currently there are many methods that can be given to chicken fighters to improve the quality of the match. So this is one method that can be used to improve chicken performance and can be used to increase chicken immunity.
Some Easy Stages to Prepare for a Fighting Chicken Before Joining the Competition
There are several techniques and methods that can be applied to Sabung Ayam before entering a match. Namely by giving special doping that we give to the body of the chicken. Currently there are many natural doping that you can make yourself at home. Next is to provide special training as well as for running exercises that we give to the body of the chicken. It turns out that by giving training to run like a chicken will have a very extraordinary performance in the arena.
Automatically the chicken leg and brain gas out will increase dramatically. 

Later when we take part in the match the game will definitely have a very tight punch. Do not until you are wrong in providing training like this. Because so many people who do not understand several methods for providing care to the chicken body. Especially for chickens that will be included in the match.
This way has applied a lot at home. Especially for professional players who have long been caring for chicken fighters. Next is to provide special training by bathing and applying turmeric to the chicken's body. Provide care as used to provide fitness to the chicken's body before being included in the competition.
So later when chickens Come in the arena of the game will definitely have good performance and will have aggressive movements. So when you meet the opponent you will definitely have a very fast movement and can hit with good quality.
How to make a Fighting Chicken Doping
For those of you who are still curious about how to make doping chicken doping like this you can apply at home in a very easy way. The material used to make masks like this is already very much found around you. The first is to prepare beforehand brown sugar, honey, turmeric. Please stir into one of several ingredients.
Previously you had to grind some of these ingredients so that later it was easy to give them to the chicken's body. To give the chicken body eyes you can immediately give in a way loloh. For chickens that have never been given doping like this is certainly very appropriate. However, when the chicken is accustomed to being given, it will definitely be easy to give some of these understandings.
Maybe that was some mandatory preparation that you must apply to the body of a fighting chicken before participating in the match.


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